Thursday, July 14, 2005

Discovery all set to blast off!!!

The NASA space mission DISCOVERY is all set for its launch at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. This is NASA's first mission since the Colombia disaster which ended in a crash over the state of Texas killing all the seven crew members on board. Among them was our own Kalpana Chawla from Haryana.

And according to NASA, they are taking no chances with regards to safety of astronauts and there are goin to be 112 cameras, YES, 112 cameras filming the lift off to check for possible debris and other related safety issues.


As I am typing this, there is still just over an hour and 35 mins left for the launch.

*end of update*

On a personal note, I would love to see Discovery being a successful mission and people's faith on NASA being reinforced.

*Update 2*

Due to some techincal problem in blogger, I was not able to post this some half hour back. Now, I find that the Launch has been delayed due to a problem in the fuel tank.

From the NASA page,

Today's Return to Flight launch of Space Shuttle Discovery has been postponed due to an issue with a low-level fuel cutoff sensor onboard the vehicle. The sensor protects an orbiter's main engines by triggering them to shut down in the event fuel runs unexpectedly low.

*end of update 2*

On a personal note, I would love to see this mission become a huge success and people 's faith in NASA reinforced

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